Monday 7 November 2011


Brief and Response
The project I am currently working on is for the interactive section of Multimedia. This involves creating an experience that is navigating through using HTML and CSS coding. This is done in Dreamweaver and will be uploaded to the Reflective Journal webpage and accessed on the NTU network and visitors can explore.
It will make use of implicit and explicit links and allow the user in some cases to choose which route to take which could adapt the outcome of their experience.
My initial response was to create a Boy meets Girl scenario. A kind of rom-com space where you were able to make decisions for the ‘boy’ character. This has obviously been done before because of the relatable platform of boys trying to talk to girls. ‘ The Inbetweeners’,’Superbad’ and ‘American Pie’ to name a few so decided this would be a format worth pursuing.

I then looked for current online content that was similar to get inspiration.
Here is a similar idea I found which is an advert made for the Twix chocolate bar. It features a man trying to get the girl and along the way encounters problems and inconveniences. At this point the user is asked to choose different pathways for the man to take.

Have a go !!

I thought this was a novel way of controlling the character and in a way similar to the Sims and Role playing game genre E.g. World of Warcraft, Second Life etc. However I was limited in the content that the process would use and it had to be in the format of telling and explanatory still images.
I then had the idea of using hand drawn images as I felt they held a kind of charm that you couldn’t get from other types of imagery. I based my theme of drawing loosely on the simple style of the game LineRider which consists of a white background and black line drawings with the occasional primary colour on points of interest.

I feel that I have met my design intentions and have fulfilled what I intended to do. The experience contains a twist in the story at the end which I have found due to feedback, made people smile and laugh. Knowing this has meant I feel I have succeeded in creating a lighthearted, fun, humorous interactive experience for the user.


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